
Sunday 8 May 2011

My very first blogger award!!!

Versatile blogger

Ooooooooh this has made my day! Elaine at Northern Hi-Lights has very kindly nominated me for this award.

The rules are that I have to list 7 facts about myself and pass the award on to 7 other bloggy people so ...

Firstly, 7 interesting (!?) facts about little ol' me:

*I have only been crocheting for 5 monthes and blogging for 3 and am loving both!!
* I would have loved to be a racing driver.
* Before relocating to Sussex, I was a primary school teacher (and although not teaching at the moment, I still consider myself to be one).
* I can play the trumpet (errrrr not very well).
* I have a teenage- type lusting for Glee.
* I can still remember the sign language alphabet which I learnt at primary school!
* I have the world's most irrational fear of spiders. Ever. Completely freak me out. Actually, giving me the eebie-jeebies just thinking about it.

And now for my 7 wonderful bloggers- thank you for your inspiration and thank you to all the others I have no room for here!

Cozy Things
Meme Rose
Yarn Round Hook
Pixie Peg Crafts
Swedish House
Mias Landliv

What a lovely surprise today.
Blog on, all! X


  1. and very pleased to meet you too (I'm still one of the new girls on the blog!)
    how lovely of Elaine to share...
    will be back for a good read with a cup of tea (and cake) tomorrow
    fee x

  2. Well done sweet pea. I am so chuffed to know that you play the trumpet- so do I (not very well I might add)XXX

  3. yeah! so glad this made your day, although I'm not sure you should have admitted to the Glee thing.....


I'd love to hear from you, so leave a comment or ask a question and l'll reply to you right here.
Have a fab day.
Sarah Xx