
Wednesday 18 May 2011

Nan's old sewing machine

I've been thinking for a while now about several sewing-project-y things I'd like to do and so decided today that I should get out nan's old sewing machine to see if the old gal still works (the machine, not Nan- she's working fine).

It's a 1970s Frister Rossman Cub 7:

Frister Rossman cub 7

Egad! The thing weighs a tonne. The last time I used it was yeeeeears ago, before Number 1 was born, and while we were still living in our old house. Even then, I only managed to make some very easy cushions and curtains.

Frister Rossman cub 7

The original manual was still in the box and I managed to thread it up.

Frister Rossman cub 7

I'd forgotten how many different stitches this baby could do - I think it must be quite a good model. Anyhoo, I gave it a little test run and it hummed along smoothly. What to do next? Well the manual inspired me to try out appliqué. For the first time, I might add.


Love the model in the photo. So I cut out a little heart (some old Ikea fabric, I think)...

Little appliqué heart

Pinned it...

Little appliqué heart

Appliqued it (not perfect, but not too bad, I thought)...

Little appliqué heart

And made it into a little stuffed heart.
Next time i'll add a hanging loop and actually draw a template so I get a better shape, but I'm really pleased with how well the sewing machine works.
Lots more projects to come, I think. Bunting next ...


  1. I love the machine, and I love that heart. It reminds me of the machine my nan gave to me, and yes..mine weighs a tonne too. x

  2. my mums machine is still going strong its older than me eek!!. we always say she could write the memoirs of the machine as its made so many different things for allsorts of things.. they dont make them like that anymore do they!!!..


  3. Hi I noticed on cozy knits blog you mentioned in your comments that you have just started "collecting" yarn....Now I have no personal interests in this shop but I use it and they always have lots of speial offers. Thought you might like to have a looksee. Pauline

  4. I found your blog via a comment on Pretty Vintage... really like the way you write but my Google connect thing is not working recently (so frustrating) but I'll be back.

    Anna x

  5. I have a late 70's necchi that is the queen of my machines. How special it was Nan's. Thanks so much for stopping by my log and leaving such inspiring comments I will be popping back over to see what you are up to!

  6. Hi..thanks for popping by and the invite to take a peek at your blog
    Looks like you have lots of fun crafting
    As an old hand at applique..try a fine iron interfacing before cutting out the heart you will get a crisper edge with no freying, unless of course you wanted the vintage look lol
    Just a tip
    Hugs Suz x


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Have a fab day.
Sarah Xx