
Thursday 12 May 2011

Tunip the Vegimal ...!

So here's a little Amigurumi:

Tunip the Vegimal

Anyone familiar with the Octonauts will hopefully recognise Tunip the Vegimal. I just kind of 'used the force' when it came to creating his body and flippers, but came a bit unstuck with his hair. Luckily a quick bit of Googling took me to Kandjdolls blog where a pattern had been posted! Problem solved.
Very easy to make and keeping Number 1 happy (for now) as the latest addition to his crew.

The octonauts
Image from BBC


  1. Oh my goodness, I love them. I better not show my girls, my to-do list is already as long as my arm.

  2. these are so cute! we love the octonauts in our house too!

  3. Oh my goodness, I love them. I better not show my girls, my to-do list is already as long as my arm.

  4. I would love an octonauts pattern but for knitting as i cant crochet any one help thanks


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Have a fab day.
Sarah Xx