
Friday 22 July 2011

Bits n bobs

This is one of those funny little posts where I have some odds and ends to show.

Like this crochet pin cushion/ upcycled jam jar combo.

Crochet pin cushion

Inspiration here
Rainbow colours to brighten a dismal day.

Here's another WIP. Another doll. [See the first here]

[And actually, I think my dolls are little Elves (not the sort that Father Christmas might employ, I might add). I like their pointy ears.]

Basic dolly 2

She's using the same, modified pattern of Beth's (do see here)

Now I know that many of you wonderful ladies were a tad envious of my little Noro-wool-extravaganza-charity shop-find in my last post.

Well I didn't want to disappoint you today -
Here's my latest haul: 10 balls of mohair for 6 quid. Hmmm one ball missing from the photo. Must be camera-shy

Mohair find

Look at that old BHS logo on the label- it's got to be from the 80's (showing my age, now).
And here's what I made with some of it .. Can you guess what it is ...?

Mohair wig caps

Well they are leeeeetle wig caps for my Elf (can't decide on a colour yet- will be asking you clever ladies for some advice in my next post when the wigs are completed)
And can I say- crocheting with black mohair? Suicidal. I could not see where the stiches were and so 'used the force'. Luckily, it's turned out ok. Must be some sort of Jedi luck.

Still with me? Well I also thought you might like to see how I work. I've read a few posts by other bloggers who have shown their sketches/ drawing boards and I think it's interesting to see the process. Here's my messy notebook: anyone do something similar?

How I work
(note to self: must make copies to a 21st century computerised device to prevent getting burnt in fire/ lost in transit/ scribbled on by toddler.)

Often, I wish there were more hours in the day- mine are spent with the little'uns (priceless) and then I get some quality time to mull over the day with the Mister (sanity), and then I might just get a bit of time to crochet in the evening (restorative).
I dream about crochet/crafty projects at the moment, I guess because I don't have the time during the day, but I have to say, I am the happiest I think I have ever been.

Thank you to all who find the time to follow, read and comment on my blog.
You make this all worthwhile.

Enjoy the weekend. Xxxx


  1. Love the rainbow jar!!

    I think your dolls are elves too!! Very sweet!!

    I'm going to have to stamp my feet at your yarn bargains again!! Why do I never find anything good in our charity shops?!!

    S x

  2. Love you really must stop making Sarah B jealous, if she stamps her foot in a jealous rage, she'll do her back in good and proper.
    Thanks for commenting round my gaff, just had such a quiet week and no friends (hubby works evenings so I don't get any adult stuff then either)...and this week was particularly bad as couldn't see the friends I wanted to.
    Love the rainbow crochet. Wish I could improve. I can do a douby and treble. So I need to start progressing.
    Enjoy the wine, I am going to have to pour myself a wee dram now you've mentioned it.
    Love your weekend
    x x

  3. Love the pin cushion, colours fab. Really like the elf and curious about the wigs

  4. so much to love yet again. Like Sarah, I have barely recovered from my insane jealousy about that Noro!!
    I adore your elf, so cute, and loving the eighties colour berets!!

  5. I love your rainbow pincushion! More yarns?? Can't have enough of them! I don't do sketches, I just store them in my head :p BTW I'm very forgetful!

  6. Love those pincushions!!!How lucky are you to always find such great bargains!!

  7. Hi, love all your makes again, you have a great blog, i always enjoy reading it.xx

  8. ooooooo - I love the pin cushions, they are so cute :):)
    If you took a look at my note pad you'd think my one year had been drawing it [even I cant understand half of it LOL]

  9. I haven't been shopping for wool yet (jane kindly gave me some to make my first Granny) but I'm guessing that when I find myself in the wool aisle in John Lewis I will understand the envy I'm seeing here!
    Love you pin cushion - and that nudey elf in his jaunty pose - too cute!
    Hope your weekend is plenty restorative....fee x

  10. Can't wait to see the new dolls outfit. I thought the other one was so sweet especially her dress.

  11. I HATE working with eyelash yarn for the very same reason- you can't see your stitches. You have an extraordinarily beautiful blog. Thanks so much for coming by my little corner of blogland- I've added you to my reader, and look forward to keeping up with you:)

  12. If you are the happiest you have ever been then you are doing everything just perfectly. Your new doll/elf is so cute, and I am still jealous of your yarn finds.
    Have a great day,

  13. i definitely wish there were more hours in the day!! i love your dolls though, and the wool is just beautiful! xx

  14. You are whipping up those little dolls in no time at all aren't you! They are wicked - I was just telling my sis about them this afternoon (she has just decided to learn to crochet because she wants to make things for her little girl). The pin cushion is fab too - love the phrase 'up-cycled'!

    Love your blog, I do.

    Nicki xx

  15. I am a total notebook freak. Pages and pages of notes, carefully penned or scrawled; mostly the latter.

    I wish I didn't need to sleep much; my mind is constantly full of dreams and potential projects. A girl could get frustrated knowing they won't all get done.

    Have a fabulous Sunday.

  16. I am totally jealous - AGAIN!! The mohair is beautiful and another wonderful bargain. Your pincushion and dolls are fabulous. I'm so, so pleased you showed us your notebook - it's great to see I am not alone in my creative scribbling!! Have a fab week - see you again soon.

  17. Hi, thanks for popping by nine, so glad you did or I may never have found you.
    So much lovliness, love your korknisse they are adorable, I have a real soft spot for anything tiny and cute and your toadstool house..................WOW.
    I am in awe of you, I don't crochet, I've tried and just can't master it but so want to.
    Your votives look beautiful, they are just what I need for my fireplace, I must give them a go, can I ask what you used to stick the lace and twine to the jar?
    Looking forward to popping back :o)

    B xxx


I'd love to hear from you, so leave a comment or ask a question and l'll reply to you right here.
Have a fab day.
Sarah Xx