
Friday 9 September 2011

Tea, cake, Mollie Makes and other gubbins too ..

Well I must say, life here is more relaxed.
Number one has started school yeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaa *sniff* and number two is having her nap, so this is what takes my fancy.

Image from My iPhone!

Good old Mollie Makes- am very much liking those little crocheted veg on the cover. Cute.

Crochet projects have been a bit random recently. There are some little bits I'm working on (soon to be posted) and in the pic above you can see a green scarf which I'm trying to finish. So i thought I'd share a few recent thrifty finds which I'm rather pleased with.

First, a sweet owl necklace (I love an owl-y find, me).
Charity shop £1.25

Image from My iPhone!

Next some blue things. A bowl from the 70s and an embroidered cushion. £1 each from CS.
I love their patterns.

Image from My iPhone! Image from My iPhone!

Lastly, some freebies. Lush apples and parsley, given to me by friends and relatives (pears already scoffed in the form of Pear and Ginger flan) and an award!

Image from My iPhone! photo.JPG

Thank you so much to the lovely Kate from Signed with an Owl and Eileen from Crochet Attic - you a very, very kind ladies. Do check out their blogs for super-lovely crochet and crafty goodies.

Have a great weekend.


  1. Oooh, is the new issue of MM out now? I'm off to Hobbycraft in a bit so hopefully they will have one!!

    Love the owl necklace and congrats on the award!!

    S x

    PS You won't know yourself now you have one of your littlies at school!!

  2. My little one has started pre-school so am also enjoying a little tea & cake time when the baby naps :) Love your header, very cool. Laurax

  3. I managed to sneak in a moment with a cup of tea, Country Living and my new slippers today while baby n was asleep - dreamy! Love the owl necklace
    Have a great weekend
    Emily x

  4. Thanks for your comment on my last post, and congrats on your award, too! :) I actually had you on my list, but I saw that Eileen had already given you this award.

    I know it's the wrong post, but I've been wanting to say that I just LOVE your letter cubes, they're soooo beautiful!!!

  5. Hello Mrs. Love that Pyrex bowl, it looks like Pyrex anyway. I have a growing stack of that stuff in my cupboard now. I am even leaving it behind in Charity Shops when having a sensible moment. (Like that happens very often...)
    Enjoy your free time!
    (My word verification for this comment is GRONAD. Oh so very nearly, only one letter out!

  6. Loving that owl ! What a find :D

  7. congrats on the award... hope you enjoy the peace and quiet and a good read.. our little one has not stopped chatting from 3.15pm when we collected her from school through till 30 mins ago when she finally went up to bed!! lovely to listen to all her news but i just don't know where she gets all her chat from!lol, have a good weekend, Tabs x

  8. Sent my littlest lady off to school this fall. It was tough! Have yet to order Mollie Makes but I'm beginning to think I must have it. Congrats on the award. Wishing you a happy weekend. :)

  9. Great thrift shop finds! Now I want to go shopping for some vintage goodness! Have a good weekend!

  10. Oh what a lovely little still life you've got set up there. I hope there are lots more relaxing moments for you over the weekend. And I love a bit of crocheted veg too.

  11. I a big fan of MM too - every time you turn a page, there's something else to make you smile/drool! And I'm also a fan of tea and cake, of course!!! What a lovely photo of your relaxing time - looks like bliss!!! :-)
    And congratulations on the award!!!

  12. Lovely finds. Magazine, cup of tea and a bit of knitting. Wonderful x

  13. lovely post ;0)
    my daughter started pre school this week and had a very nasty accident while running- she was all tears and cuts on the friday- not the best way to finish the first week and my friends son had also fallen and grazed his head!...i felt so lost this week, a bit sad really to say good bye at the school gates and watch her playing in class...i walked into the city all in a daze.

    loving your charity shop finds, lovely blog x

  14. meant school not pre school- mummy dazed head on! hehe x

  15. Oooh I love that piccy at the top of your post... cuppa, mollie makes mag and some crochet = BLISSFULL!! Your scarf is looking lovely I really like that colour green!! Well done on more blog awards - you are a popular lady :)

    Thanks for your kind comments on my blog... wellies are the best eh? oh and lovin the owl neclace too!!

    Louise xx

  16. i do love a bit of tea, cake and mollie makes. infact i quite often re read my mollie makes so i can have more tea and cake. x

  17. Tea and cake is always good :-) Look forward to seeing the scarf finished, you should fly through it now you have all that spare time!

  18. Ha, one of my friends asked me how I was doing with Brooke being at nursery full time now and I said "Oh! Oh yes, she is isn't she? Well I'm sure she's having a lovely time. I hadn't really thought about it too much..."

    Now if only Taya would go back to regular naps. Enjoy your free time!

    Glad you liked the parenting product link I put up, I was crying with laughter, esp at the inflatable potty! x

  19. mollie makes + tea and cake sounds like fun to me! i just tried some of the embroidery from this months issue :-) x

  20. Hi , just seen your craft stall looked amazing. I would love to be brave enough to try this.I'm glad you had a great time despite your lack of sales....I'm sure you will have more luck closer to Christmas . You make lovely things .
    Jacquie x

  21. Hi Annaboo,love the charity shop finds,the owl necklace is so cute! Congratulations on the award.I m going over for a sneaky peak at the links.I love Mollie makes too.have a peaceful week,take care,

  22. The tea and cake looks good too - just what I could do with right now!

    Pomona x

  23. love that bowl! someone told be today that it's only 4 weeks until the 2 week school october break - How can that be? aarghhhhhh!!!!!

  24. Ah a cuppa, cake and crochet - how perfect! I adore your op shop finds especially the owl necklace!! I found a lovely wee owl crochet pattern today that I'm bursting to make - they are such sweet wee critters. Hope you're having a lovely week hon. See you again soon. Leah x

  25. Love the bowl and cushion. Haven't been proper charity shop shopping for ages. Must get out and see if I can grab some bargains soon. Good luck with the scarf - really great colour. x

  26. Cute owl :o) It always amazes me the lovely things people find in charity shops - when I go in they seem to be full of rubbish!!
    I haven't read that issue of MM yet - looking forward to it!

  27. I love your collection of bracelets!! I'm very envious of all those beautiful blues. Your vintage finds are fabulous too and your picture-hoopy-bracelet things are gorgeous!!

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Have a fab day.
Sarah Xx