Aaaaages ago I made some owls with pockets. I thought I'd make another one and then remembered that a couple of peeps had asked me for a tutorial, so I fired up Nan's old sewing machine...
First, cut yourself an owl shape from cardboard (old beer carton does the job for me) and cut yourself two pieces of fabric slightly larger than the owl. (blurred photo, sorry)
You'll also need a pocket. Cut a folded rectangle which fits across your owl's tummy and slightly wider and longer is what you should aim for. Iron this so the right sides are outside.
Next, cut yourself some eyes and a beak out of felt (or you could use buttons) and sew (by hand or machine) onto your owl. You could draw a faint chalk-line around your owl-y template so you can see roughly where your adornments should go, or if you're like me, you could just guess.
Next you should pin your owl's pocket into the right position. Make sure it sits below the owl's beak and is straight (ish).
Now turn your fabric over- you can see where your stitch marks are - and draw around the owl template with chalk again.
Not right? Just rub off the chalk and re-position until you're happy.
Pin the owl fabric (with pocket pinned inside) right sides together.
Now sew!
(By hand or machine)
Make sure you leave a gap of a few cms along the side of the owl, above the pocket, to turn it out.
Cut away the excess material and snip cuts along the outside curved edges/ and cut out notches along the inside curved edges.
Turn out. Use a knitting needle or chopsticks to poke out the ears.
Iron it flat.
Now stuff.
Keep stuffing.
It needs a lot of stuffing.
Now sew closed. I use a ladder stitch (check out this turorial) but you could use a bright coloured embroidery floss and sew a blanket stitch to make it stand out.
In need of an owl with a pocket?
Well now you can have one.
Have a good week, all.
P.S. I love reading your comments. Seriously. Thank you.
P.P.S I am a very nice, helpful person. If you have any questions or queries about my tutorials or posts, then do ask me- I'm more than happy to give advice, or point you in the right direction.
P.P.P.S. Trolls are not welcome.