Thursday 10 September 2015

An Autumn Project

I made this little guy yonks ago and thought he'd be the perfect project for an Autumn day.

To tell the truth, I am super-busy at the moment, with a new book underway which will be available around Christmas time (eeeeeeek, terrifying deadline to meet- all projects to be completed by end of this month!!). I'm also continuing to design for various magazines and have even worked on a couple of projects for DMC yarns. A quick look at my Instagram or Twitter feeds and you'll see some of what I've been doing.)

So here's something old to me, but new to you.

If you'd like to make a little pine-cone Imp, then you'll need:

A 2.5cm wooden bead,
Some strong glue,
4mm hook
Oddments of dk /8ply yarn for hat and scarf
Small button to decorate.
Marker pen

UK Hat Pattern:
1.  3dc in magic ring or ch2, 3dc in 2nd ch from hook.
2. 2dc in each st (6 sts)
3. Dc 6
4. (Dc 1, 2dc in next st) rep 3 times (9)
5. Dc 9
6. (Dc 2, 2dc in next st) rep 3 times (12)
7. Dc 12
8. (Dc 3, 2dc in next st ) rep 3 times (16)
9. Dc 16
10-12. Dc 16
Fasten off, weave in ends.

US Hat Pattern
1.  3sc in magic ring or 2ch, 3sc in 2nd ch from hook
2. 2sc in each sc (6sts)
3. Sc 6
4. (sc 1, 2sc in next sc) rep 3 times (9)
5. Sc 9
6. (Sc 2, 2sc in next sc) rep 3 times (12)
7. Sc 12
8. (Sc 3, 2sc in next sc) rep 3 times (16)
9. Sc 16
10-12. Sc 16
Fasten off, weave in ends.

Scarf pattern
1. Ch45
2. Dc (US sc) 45
Fasten off, weave in ends.
Use the strong glue to attach the bead to the top of the pine cone. Leave to dry.

Draw eyes using the marker pen, add the spiffy hat and tie the scarf in a natty bow.

Ta dahhhhhh!

Sarah x


  1. What a cutie pie!!!! I am seeing him in Red and Holly green!!! Imagination and inspiration are wonderful things!!
    Thank you

    keep well

    Amanda x

  2. this is a GREAT idea! I always pick up pinecones every year, thinking I will do some crafting with them, then I have no idea what I ought to make with them! This is a splendid little idea :) jenny xx

    1. Thanks, Jenny!
      I also seem to have a great big stash of pinecones (I blame the kids!) I plan to make some as Christmas Teacher gifts this year.
      Sarah x

  3. Totally adorable.

    1. Thanks, Meredith!
      He was a cute little project to make - I plan to make more for my kids' Christmas Teacher gifts this year.
      Have a great week, love to you all,
      Sarah x

  4. These are so cute, similar to my hazelnut 'nisse' I make at Christmas time in red yarn. Love it Sarah


I'd love to hear from you, so leave a comment or ask a question and l'll reply to you right here.
Have a fab day.
Sarah Xx