An old page from a Clifford book, made into an envelope?
What's inside?
Comedy eyes?
Many, many thanks to Melissa from All Sewn Up- your gift of sticky eyes made us laugh and laugh today.
The first recipients were very pleased:
I feel they'll be put to good use this holiday!
Thanks again, Melissa (Do have a peep at her lovely blog- it's lush. Xx)
That was the 'mail' bit of my title. Next is the 'hair' bit! - and I'd like to thank you all for voting on my little elf's barnet choice and can reveal that the winner .....!
I agree, I think this looks cute and I promise, I won't let the little pink and black wigs go to waste- I'll be making dolls for them soon.
Another thank you to the marv'lus people who have given me awards. Thank you so much. I still feel humbled that anyone would read my little bloggy - do check out the side-bar to the right and take a peekie at their blogs too. (I had to hijack the Mister's work laptop to put the awards onto the blog so sorry for delay- ipads are cool, but there's plenty of stuff they can't do)
Here's a handful of interesting (?!) facts about moi:
* my actual name is Sarah
* my blog is named after my daughter's nickname
* although I love holidays abroad, i feel at home when surrounded by the green stuff - grass, trees and the like
* I'm a real autumn/winter girl- dark evenings, crisp mornings, scarves, cosy jumpers, blankets, rain, candlelight, mulled wine, fireworks, long walks, real fires (preferably in pubs on a Saturday lunchtime)
* actually, I'm a real Christmas girl - all that nostalgia above made me get my Xmas groove on. Bring on the red and gold, the holly and ivy, the tinsel and stockings.
Thanks again for the awards. If you are reading this, you all deserve one too!
Right, am off to get glass of wine and catch up with all of you, too.
Have a good weekend.